Notes Home – Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wednesday, June 26th Field Trip – 

  • Children should arrive at school by 8:00 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.
  • Apply bug spray and sunscreen before arriving at school.
  • If you haven’t done so already, please stop in the front office to sign the waiver for this field trip.

Thursday, June 27th Swimming Lesson –

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM already wearing their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Montessori will be totally closed, Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day. There will be no daycare.

Drop off info – no event days:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:15) parents will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM Care will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:20.
  • 11:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office.
  • 2:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office. 

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lesson days: 

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent or come back to school at 11:30.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.