Notes Home – Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Lunch Box Items – Please remember that lunches from home need to be completely NUT FREE.  This includes items like nut butters, trail mix, granola bars, etc.

Sugar Bush Social – In the past, the Elementary Class hosted a Sugar Bush Social with a little help from our families. If you have a maple tree(s) in your yard and are willing to “tap” the sap, we can provide the tubs, jug(s) and simple instructions…just let us know by turning in the attached form. A copy was sent home last week in your child’s bag.

Milk Jugs – The Elementary Class is still in need of your gallon sized milk jugs. These can be

handed to a staff member at drop off or pick up! Please remember to rinse out the jug before

bringing it to school. Thank you!

Valentine Card Guidelines/Reminder – We’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day next Friday, February 14th.

  • R’s Class has a different set of guidelines. Please check his blog for details.
  • If the cards come with a sticker, tattoo or pencil that is fine, but please do not send in any type of candy or additional items for the class.
  • A card needs to be sent for each student in the class.

(Ms. April-20, Ms. Corie-21, Mrs. Corn-25, Ms. Lori-17, Mrs. Theriac-20)

  • Your child’s name should be written in the “From” place, but please do not address them to individual students.
  • Send an email to your child’s teacher or to the office when sending cards in with your child. Feel free to send them in early.
  • Teachers will provide an example on their blogs of what a Valentine Card looks like.

No School Monday, February, 17th – President’s Day

  • Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. 

Montessoirée 2025 – PTO’s annual fundraising dinner!

  • When: Saturday, February 22nd
  • Time: 5:30-10:00 PM.
  • Where: Venue 812 – 1401 N. Boeke Rd. Evansville, IN 47711.
  • What: Dinner, dancing, silent & live auctions.
  • Tickets can be purchased by clicking this link:

If you or your business would like to help sponsor the event, it’s not too late! Email the PTO at

PTO Volunteer Signup – If you would like to be contacted by The Montessori PTO for volunteer opportunities, click the following link to fill out the contact form.