Good job everyone—children and adults!  We’re at the end of the first few days of school!  It has really been a great week regardless of all the changes!  A special shout out to the PTO Board who was helping us with the School Day drop offs this week!

Here are some updates and reminders as we get ready for the first full week of school:

School Day Programs (8:30 – 2:45/3:00) Drop Off Time  –

If this is your child’s program, the earliest drop off time is 8:25.  Hopefully, with the first week behind us, we can all develop a routine where each morning is a little bit smoother than the last.

Picking up at 2:45/3:00 – Please do not get out of your car.  Once your child has been placed in the car, please pull up past the front parking lot to stop and buckle them in.

Sunscreen, lotions, creams, over the counter medicine, chap stick, prescription medicine, etc.

Normally, parents would fill out a form at the front desk and leaving the item there, but now that’s not possible.  The new protocol will be to send us an email before you drop off in the AM.  Then hand the item off to the staff person upon dropping off or put in your child’s bag. We’ll get it out before school starts.  Kristi and I typically read our email before 8:30 drop off or immediately thereafter.

Email needs to tell us:

  • name of item
  • how much to use
  • what time to give or apply
  • if it needs to return home each day (ie) prescription medicine.

For example:  Sunscreen, apply to face, arms and legs before going outside.  Or, chapstick, use as needed.  Lotion, please apply to hands after handwashing, etc.

Ideally you would send the email to:, and the child’s teacher.  This will ensure it’s retrieved ASAP.

Sending Things to School via Bag –

If you are sending anything to school, it’s good to let us know via email.  We do not regularly check the children’s bags.

First Day Paperwork –

Please return all of the paperwork this Monday.  We need to update a variety of lists– allergy lists, trike lists, the student directory, etc.

School Emails –

Notes Home or emails addressing a specific subject (for example:  Please remember to pull up to the cone when dropping off or picking up.) is being bcc to everyone not just your family.   If it’s an email only to your family, we’ll address it:  Good Morning (specific parent name),…

Masks –

If you are currently sending a mask with an exhalation valve, we need you to switch to a standard 3-layer mask.  Exhalation valves give more protection to the wearer, but less protection for those around the person.

Masks that allow a space for the nose seem to fare better with moisture versus those that sit right against the child’s face.

Extra masks are for the emergency that may happen here at school—a very productive sneeze.  If you want your child or your child needs to switch out during the day, leave an additional mask in their bag.