Notes & News
See what is going on at Montessori Academy of Evansville.
See what is going on at Montessori Academy of Evansville.
Below is the current Lunch Menu for the 23-24 School Year.
To order lunch, please visit EZ School Apps.
Thank you to The Swanson/Cobb Family, The Sensenbrenner Family, The Roman Family and The Kleinsasser Family for staff sweet treats!!
Thanksgiving break will be from Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th.
Teacher Wish Lists – If you are looking for an idea for something to gift your child’s teacher, here are the links to their Wish Lists:
Ms. April’s Wish List: Ms. April’s Class Wish List
Ms. Corie’s Wish List:
Mrs. Corn’s Wish List:
Ms. Lori’s Wish List:
Mrs. Theriac’s Wish List:
Mr. R’s Wish List: Will be posted on his blog.
Daycare Wish List:
PTO Volunteer Signup –
If you would like to be contacted by The Montessori PTO for volunteer opportunities, click the following link to fill out the contact form.
Bookfair Sales – Thank you to all families who participated in our fall bookfair. The total earnings from our school were $2026.50 and our teachers received over $800.00 in Scholastic Dollars for new classroom books!
Fall Clean Up – Thank you to the following volunteers who were able to spend the morning at Montessori:
Brooks Corn Chase Savage
Bryan Koewler James Traub
Donn Mehringer Josh Tucker
PTO Meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, November 16th –
The meeting consists of two parts. Come for one or both!
5:30 Babysitting begins.
Part I – 5:45-6:15 Transition to Traditional School.
A panel of past families talk about their transition and what they want you to know.
Part II – 6:20-6:50 Why Montessori Kindergarten or What you want to know about the Montessori Elementary Class. You would attend one or the other.
Thanksgiving break will be from Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th.