Summer Session Two – Tuesday, July 5th through Friday, July 29th

Field Trip: Art at Montessori tomorrow, July 13th.

Children should be in the building by 8:30 AM.

 Swimming Lesson Thursday, July 14th.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember a swim bag.

Summer Session Two – Tuesday, July 5th through Friday, July 29th

Field Trip is tomorrow, July 6th.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, July 7th.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember a swim bag.

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.


Field Trip tomorrow, Wednesday June 29th.

Children should arrive at school by 8:00 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, June 30th –  

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember a swim bag.

Field Trip this Friday, July 1st.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

A few reminders…

EZ School Lunch – This Friday is July 1st and many students are not signed up for lunch. If your child brings a lunchbox, the “lunchbox” option needs to be selected.  

Montessori will be totally closed, Monday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. There will be no daycare.

Summer Session Two begins Tuesday, July 5th and will go through Friday, July 29th.  

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.


Field Trip is tomorrow, Wednesday June 22nd.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, June 23rd

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Field trip (June 29th): if you haven’t already, please sign the waiver form in the front office at drop off/pick up time, for your child to attend this field trip.

A few reminders…

EZ School Lunch – Please remember to sign your child up for lunch on July 1st. That Friday is still part of the first summer session.

Montessori will be totally closed, Monday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. There will be no daycare.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, June 16th

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

 Friday, June 17th Field Trip Change –

Due to the excessive heat on Friday, the field trip has been changed. Parents, please check your email on the updated location.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Appy sunscreen/bug spray prior to arriving at school.

Field trip (June 29th): at drop off/pick up times, please sign the waiver form in the front office for your child to attend this field trip.

 A few reminders…

EZ School Lunch – Please remember to sign your child up for lunch on July 1st. That Friday is still part of the first summer session.

Montessori will be totally closed, Monday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. There will be no daycare.

Summer Session One – June 6 through July 1

Car line information: 

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.


Lunches need to be purchased before Monday, June 6th on EZ School apps.

Summer Session One – June 6 through July 1

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.
  • Swimming Waivers must be filled out and returned by Thursday, June 9th. Children will not be allowed to participate without the signed waiver.


Fobs – If this Friday is the last time your child will be attending school at Montessori, please turn in your fobs this week at drop off or pick up.

Items going home this week – This week at pick up, we will be sending home medications, lotions, chapsticks, and/or helmets.

Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the Preprimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) this Thursday, May 26th via Zoom. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Your child’s teacher has sent information regarding how to sign up for this online conference.

Field Trip on the last day of school (May 27th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.  

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 27th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:15. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

Last Day of School Survey – (Only families with PM Care)

  • We need all families with PM care only to fill out and return at drop off/pick up or email back your response. Thanks!

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 30th-June 3rd.

Lost and Found – Please check the Lost and Found. All clothing items left here at school after this Friday will be sent to Good Will next week.

Have a safe and fun Summer!

Mr. R’s Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences will be this Friday, May 20th via Zoom. No School on conference day for Mr. R’s class, daycare for students with AM and/or PM care in their program. Mr. R has sent an email regarding signups for this online conference.

Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the Preprimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) will be on Thursday, May 26th via Zoom. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Look for an email in the coming weeks from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up for this online conference.

Field Trip on the last day of school (May 27th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.  

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 27th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:15. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

Last Day of School Survey – (Only families with PM Care)

  • Last Day of School Survey (a copy went home in your child’s bag).
  • We need all families with PM care only to fill out and return at drop off/pick up or email back your response. Thanks!

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 30th-June 3rd.

Play DVDs are now ready for pick up in the front office. If you did not already pay when placing your order, they are $20.00.

Standardized Testing for Mr. R’s Class has begun and will go through Tuesday, May 17th.

Things to look for in May –

Mr. R’s Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Friday, May 20th. No School on conference day for Mr. R’s class, daycare for students with AM and/or PM care in their program. Mr. R will send an email regarding online signups.

Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the Preprimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) will be on Thursday, May 26th. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Look for an email in the coming weeks from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up.

Field Trip on the last day of school (May 27th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.  

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 27th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:15. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 30th-June 3rd.

Extra play programs – Call the office or send Kristi an email if you would like an extra play program. We have plenty!!

Standardized Testing for Mr. R’s Class will begin tomorrow Tuesday, May 3rd and will last through Tuesday, May 17th.

 A note from PTO:

 Staff Appreciation Week 5/2-5/6 – Help still needed!

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is this week, May 2nd to May 6th, and we need your help to make this week special for our Montessori Academy staff!

Lots of details below, but first, here are the signup sheets for donations and volunteers.


Click this link to access the Google Sheets food sign-up:

Includes donations needed for Monday thru Thursday, May 2 to May 5.

Please label your food and drop it off ready to eat!

Reminder that no item can contain nuts or peanuts.

More details regarding drop off and timing are on the sign-up sheet.


This included 8 volunteer slots to help setup breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, May 3, and Wednesday, May 4.

All slots have been filled! Thank You!

The plan!

Monday: Donuts and Coffee

Tuesday: Breakfast from Montessori families

Wednesday: Lunch from Montessori families

Thursday: Ice Cream Sundae Bar

Friday: Gift card of their choice

In addition to a gift card for each member of the staff, PTO is also providing each classroom with $500 to spend as they wish on their classroom!

The gift cards and classroom funds, as well as our awesome new fence, are possible due to the support of all of our Montessori families who participate in fundraisers, donations, and volunteer requests. Thank you for helping to support and improve our wonderful school!

Please email or contact any member of PTO with questions about staff appreciation week.

Amanda Schmitt: 765-491-1526,

Ann Muehlbauer: 812-459-1442,

Jill Scott: 404-852-6602,

Megan Knoll: 812-455-1545,

Thank you!

Things to look for in May –

Mr. R’s Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Friday, May 20th. No School on conference day for Mr. R’s class, daycare for students with AM and/or PM care in their program. Mr. R will send an email regarding online signups.

Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the Preprimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) will be on Thursday, May 26th. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Look for an email in the coming weeks from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up.

Field Trip on the last day of school (May 27th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.  

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 27th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:15. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 30th-June 3rd.