Montessoirée 2024 – PTO’s annual fundraising dinner
- When: Saturday, February 24th
- Time: 5:30 PM
- Where: Venue 812 – 1401 N. Boeke Rd. Evansville, IN 47711.
- What: Dinner, dancing, silent & live auction.
- Tickets can be purchased by clicking the attached QR code.
If you or your business would like to help sponsor the event, it is not too late! Email the PTO at
What kind of things are auctioned?
Auction items are arriving daily! Here are a few of our silent auction items:
- Famous classroom quilts
- Evansville Zoo membership
- Wine & Spirits
- Local gift cards
- Kindermusik
- cMoe
- Roesner Photography
- YMCA- 1-hour private splash pad party
- Roots- Facial & Hydrojelly mask
Valentine Cards Guidelines/Reminder – We’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14th.
- R’s Class has a different set of guidelines. Please check his blog for details.
- If the cards come with a sticker, tattoo or pencil that is fine, but please do not send in any type of candy or additional items for the class.
- A card needs to be sent for each student in the class.
(Ms. April-21, Ms. Corie-22, Mrs. Corn-24, Ms. Lori-20, Mrs. Theriac-25).
- Your child’s name should be written in the “From” place, but please do not address them to individual students.
- Send an email to your child’s teacher or to the office when sending cards in with your child. Feel free to send them in early.
No School Monday, February 19th 2024 – President’s Day
- Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
School Calendar Change – April 8th, 2024
- No School or Daycare due to the Solar Eclipse.
PTO Volunteer Signup –
If you would like to be contacted by The Montessori PTO for volunteer opportunities, click the following link to fill out the contact form.
A few reminders –
If your child has a fever, is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 24 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.
Sending things to school via Montessori bag – If you are sending an item in the Montessori bag, please let us know via email. We do not regularly check the children’s bags