Montessori Borrowed Clothes – Please remember to return washed Montessori borrowed clothing in a timely manner.

Daylight Savings ends this Sunday, November 6th. The time will fall back 1 hour Sunday morning.

Book Fair – Begins this week, in person, at the school!

  • Wednesday, Nov 2nd– Tuesday, Nov 8th.
  • Book fair hours are after school between 3:00-5:00 (11:45-12:15 for any half dayers wanting to visit after their dismissal).
  • Located in the Multipurpose Room.
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Fall Clean Up –

Thursday, November 10th and Friday, November 11th are Daycare Days –

No School Thursday, November 10thAll classes Parent/Teacher Conferences. Look for an email from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up for this online Zoom conference.

No School Friday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

  • If your child has AM and/or PM care in their program, they may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
  • Reminder – there will be no car lines for drop offs or pick-ups on daycare days.

PTO Meeting November 15th, 16th or 17th –  The date is still to be determined

  • Transition to Traditional School.
  • Why Montessori Kindergarten or What You Want to Know About the Montessori Elementary Class.

The meeting consists of three parts. Come for some or all!

Part I – 5:30-5:55 Pizza will be served.

Part II 6:00-6:30 Transition to Traditional School.

A panel of past families talk about their transition and what they want you to know.

Part III 6:35-7:05 Why Montessori Kindergarten or What you want to know about the Montessori Elementary Class. You would attend one or the other.

Jackets, sweaters, etc. – Please put your child’s name or initials inside to avoid any lost items. Thanks!

EZ School Lunch Reminder – Please remember to sign your child up for November’s lunches.

Things to look for in November –

Book Fair – Next week, in person, at the school!

  • Wednesday, Nov 2nd– Tuesday, Nov 8th.
  • Book fair hours are after school between 3:00-5:00 (11:45-12:15 for any half dayers wanting to visit after their dismissal).
  • Located in the Multipurpose Room.
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Volunteers needed! Click on the link to sign up:

Fall Clean Up –

  • Saturday, November 5th
  • 8:00-11:00 at Montessori

Thursday, November 10th and Friday, November 11th are Daycare Days –

No School Thursday, November 10thAll classes Parent/Teacher Conferences. Look for an email from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up for this online Zoom conference.

No School Friday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

  • If your child has AM and/or PM care in their program, they may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
  • Reminder – there will be no car lines for drop offs or pick ups on daycare days.

Jackets, sweaters, etc. – Please put your child’s name or initials inside to avoid any lost items. Thanks!

PTO Costume Party –

  • When: Friday, October 21st.
  • Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Who: Current Montessori families, including siblings.
  • Food: Pizza and beverages.
  • Wear: Costumes (no weapons please, even if they are a part of a costume).
  • Cost: $0! Hosted by the Montessori PTO!
  • Sign up: Click on the link in your emailed notes home for more info.

School Pictures are on these days: 

Tuesday, October 25th – Ms. Lori & Ms. April

Wednesday, October 26th – Mrs. Corn & Mrs. Theriac

Thursday, October 27th – Ms. Corie & Mr. R (Elementary)

  • Forms went home last week in your child’s bag.
  • Forms with payment are due back before or on your child’s picture day.
  • Make-up photos will be on these days also (25th, 26th and 27th).

 Day of the Dead Celebration – Come celebrate with us!

Fall Clean Up – Link to sign up coming soon.

Saturday, November 5th

8:00-11:00 at Montessori

School Pictures – Forms went home in your child’s bag today.  

  • Forms with payment are due back before or on your child’s picture day.
  • Make-up photos will be on these days only. 

Tuesday, October 25th – Ms. Lori & Ms. April

Wednesday, October 26th – Mrs. Corn & Mrs. Theriac

Thursday, October 27th – Ms. Corie & Mr. R (Elementary)

Monday, October 17th is a Daycare Day.

  • There will be No School.
  • Children who attend 8:30-2:45 will not come for daycare days.
  • If your child has AM and/or PM care in their program, they may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
  • Reminder – There will be no car lines for drop offs or pick-ups on daycare days.
  • If your child is not attending on a daycare day, please remember to select “No Lunch” on EZ School so that you are not charged for a lunch that day.

PTO Costume Party –

  • When: Friday, October 21st.
  • Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Who: Current Montessori families, including siblings.
  • Food: Pizza and beverages.
  • Wear: Costumes (no weapons please, even if they are a part of a costume).
  • Cost: $0! Hosted by the Montessori PTO!
  • Sign up: Click on the link in your emailed notes home for more info.

8:20 Car Line – All children should exit the car from the line to get into the school. The only exception would be if your child is having a hard time separating in the morning. Then you should drive past the orange cone to park and help them out of the car.

Car Line Etiquette –

  • Please remember to stay in your car when dropping & picking up your child.
  • Please be patient while staff members are helping children exit & enter their car.
  • Please drive slowly & responsibly when exiting the car line.
  • Driving carefully around cars waiting for a child is permitted.
  • Please don’t use the gravel area by the storage units to turn around.

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming month’s lunches.

  • If your child is absent, please remember to deselect their lunch choice.
  • This ensures children receiving a hot lunch won’t be charged when absent.
  • This includes children bringing a lunch from home.

A few reminders –

If your child has a fever, is vomiting and /or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.

Shoe Box Donation – The Elementary class is in need of your shoe boxes! These can be handed off to staff members at drop off/pick up. Thank you!

Things to look for in October –

Friday, October 7th, Monday, October 10th and Monday, October 17th are Daycare Days.

  • There will be No School.
  • Children who attend 8:30-2:45 will not come for daycare days.
  • If your child has AM and/or PM care in their program, they may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
  • Reminder – There will be no car lines for drop offs or pick-ups on daycare days.
  • If your child is not attending on a daycare day, please remember to select “No Lunch” on EZ School so that you are not charged for a lunch that day.

Preprimary Field Trip – Parent volunteers are not needed. Students should wear their Montessori t-shirt and shoes with a closed back. No sandals or flip flops. Sunscreen should be applied prior to arriving at school.

Wednesday, October 12th – Mrs. Theriac and Ms. April

Thursday, October 13th – Mrs. Corn, Ms. Corie and Ms. Lori

  • Car line at 8:00AM ONLY for families whose children are attending the field trip that day.
  • Children going on the field trip need to be in the building no later than 8:15AM.
  • Siblings can be dropped off at the same time.
  • They will return to the building at 11:30.
  • 8:20 car line for children not going on the Field Trip.

PTO Costume Party –

  • When: Friday, October 21st.
  • Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Who: Current Montessori families, including siblings.
  • Food: Pizza and beverages.
  • Wear: Costumes (no weapons please, even if they are a part of a costume).
  • Cost: $0! Hosted by the Montessori PTO!
  • Sign up: Click on the link for more info

Shoe Box Donation – The Elementary class is in need of your shoe boxes! These can be handed off to staff members at drop off/pick up. Thank you!

Things to look for in October –

Friday, October 7th, Monday, October 10th and Monday, October 17th are Daycare Days.

  • There will be No School.
  • Children who attend 8:30-2:45 will not come for daycare days.
  • If your child has AM and/or PM care in their program, they may attend their regular hours for daycare activities.
  • Reminder – There will be no car lines for drop offs or pick-ups on daycare days.
  • If your child is not attending on a daycare day, please remember to select “No Lunch” on EZ School so that you are not charged for a lunch that day.

Preprimary Field Trip – Parent volunteers are not needed. More information closer to the field trip dates.

  • Wednesday, October 12th – Mrs. Theriac and Ms. April
  • Thursday, October 13th – Mrs. Corn, Ms. Corie and Ms. Lori

8:20 Car Line – All children should exit the car from the line to get into the school. The only exception would be if your child is having a hard time separating in the morning. Then you should drive past the orange cone to park and help them out of the car.

Car Line Etiquette –

  • Please remember to stay in your car when dropping & picking up your child.
  • Please be patient while staff members are helping children exit & enter their car.
  • Please drive slowly & responsibly when exiting the car line.
  • Driving carefully around cars waiting for a child is permitted.
  • Please don’t use the gravel area by the storage units to turn around.

A few reminders –

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming month’s lunches.

  • If your child is absent, please remember to deselect their lunch choice.
  • This ensures children receiving a hot lunch won’t be charged when absent.
  • This includes children bringing a lunch from home.

If your child has a fever, is vomiting and /or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.


Notes Home – Wednesday, September 7th, 2022


Wednesday, September 7thMum Sale

  • Order forms go home today in your child’s bag and it is attached to this email.
  • Forms Due: by the end of the day Monday, September 12th.
  • Delivery mid-September.


Thursday, September 8thPTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!


8:20 Car Line – All children should exit the car from the line to get into the school.  The only exception would be if your child is having a hard time separating in the morning.  Then you should drive past the orange cone to park and help them out of the car.


Car Line Etiquette –

  • Please remember to stay in your car when dropping & picking up your child.
  • Please be patient while staff members are helping children exit & enter their car.
  • Please drive slowly & responsibly when exiting the car line.
  • Driving carefully around cars waiting for a child is permitted.
  • Please don’t use the gravel area by the storage units to turn around.


EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming month’s lunches.

  • If your child is absent, please remember to deselect their lunch choice.
  • This ensures children receiving a hot lunch won’t be charged when absent.
  • This includes children brining a lunch from home.


A few reminders –


If your child has a fever, is vomiting and /or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.


Notes Home – Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

Monday, September 5, 2022 – Montessori will be closed in observance of Labor Day. There will be no daycare.

Wednesday, September 7th – Mum Sale
• Order forms will go home.
• Delivery mid-September.

Thursday, September 8th – PTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!
• 5:30 Babysitting begins for Montessori children and siblings. Click on the following link for the sign-up sheet.
• The number of children under three years old is limited to 3 total.
• Pizza will be served to the children.
• 5:45-6:30 Meeting: Welcome by PTO and then meet in classrooms w/ your child’s teacher.

8:20 Car Line – All children exit the car from the line to get into the school. The only exception would be if your child is having a hard time separating in the morning. Then you would drive past the orange cone to park and help them out of the car.

Mr. R’s class 3:00 Pick up – If you are picking up at 3:00, to help expedite 2:45 pickup, we ask that you choose one of the following options:
1. Arrive at 3:00 and wait in the medical building parking lot until we’re about finished with 2:45 dismissal.
2. If you are picking up a 2:45 child and one from Mr. R’s class, you are welcome to pick both children up at 3:00.
3. If you want to pick up your child dismissed at 2:45 but still need to pick a child up at 3:00, pull out of the car line. Get back into the car line at 3:00.

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming month’s lunches. Don’t forget to sign your child up for lunches for the first few days of September that were on the August EZ School menu.

A few reminders –

If your child has a fever, is vomiting and /or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.

Notes Home – Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Monday, September 5, 2022 – Montessori will be closed in observance of Labor Day. There will be no daycare.

Wednesday, September 7th – Mum Sale
• Order forms will go home.
• Delivery mid September.

Thursday, September 8th – PTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!
• 5:30 Babysitting begins for Montessori children and siblings. Click on the following link for the sign-up sheet.
• The number of children under three years old is limited to 3 total.
• Pizza will be served to the children.
• 5:45-6:30 Meeting: Welcome by PTO and then meet in classrooms w/ your child’s teacher.

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming months lunches. Don’t forget to sign your child up for lunches for the first few days of September that were on the August EZ School menu.

Sunscreens, lotions, creams, over the counter medicine, chap stick, prescription medicine –

The protocol will be to send us an email before you drop your child off in the AM. Then, hand the item to the staff person upon dropping off. Sarah and I typically read our email before 8:20 drop off or immediately after.

The email needs to tell us:
• Name of the item
• How much to use
• What time to give or apply
• If it needs to return home each day (i.e.) prescription medications

For example: Sunscreen, apply to face/arms/legs before going outside. Or, chapstick, use as needed.
Send your email to:, and the child’s teacher. This will ensure the item(s) are retrieved ASAP.

Sending things to school via Montessori bag – If you are sending an above-mentioned item in the Montessori bag, please let us know via email. We do not regularly check the children’s bags.

School emails – Notes Home or emails addressing a specific subject (for example: Please remember to pull up to the cone when dropping off or picking up,) is a bcc to everyone, not just your family. If it’s an email only to your family, we’ll address it: Good Morning/Afternoon and name a specific parent.

A few reminders –

If your child has a fever, is vomiting and /or has diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hours from their last symptom; even if this happened over the weekend.

Field Trip at Montessori, Wednesday, July 20th.

Children should be in the building by 8:30 AM.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, July 21st.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember a swim bag.

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.


Summer Session Two – Tuesday, July 5th through Friday, July 29th

Field Trip at Montessori, Wednesday, July 20th.

Children should be in the building by 8:30 AM.

Swimming Lesson Thursday, July 21st.

Children should arrive at school by 8:15 AM, already dressed in their swimsuit. Please remember a swim bag.

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:20) will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:25.
  • 2:45 dismissal will remain the same.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent and/or come back to school at 11:30.