Picture Day Date Change –

  • School pictures will be on November 6th and 7th.
  • Further details to be announced.

Wednesday, September 6thPTO Event – Mum Sale

  • Order forms went home today in your child’s bag.
  • Forms are due by the end of the day, Wednesday, September 13th.
  • Delivery will be Tuesday, September 19th.

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 7thPTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!

  • 5:30 Babysitting begins for Montessori children and their siblings. Click on the following link for the signup sheet.
  • The number of children under three years old is limited to 3 total.
  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yAPaNIvcxYBkmHRqgSWljBHlwoPVyHZY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114098482033034356927&rtpof=true&sd=true
  • Goldfish and a cheese stick will be served.
  • 5:45-6:30 Meeting: Welcome by PTO and then meet in classrooms with your child’s teacher.

PTO Volunteer Signup –

If you would like to be contacted by The Montessori PTO for volunteer opportunities, click the following link to fill out the contact form.


EZ School lunch reminder – This Friday is September 1st, please remember to sign your child up for September’s lunches. If your child brings a lunchbox, the “lunchbox” option needs to be selected.

Monday, September 4, 2023 – Montessori will be closed in observance of Labor Day. There will be no daycare.

PTO Volunteer Signup –

If you would like to be contacted by The Montessori PTO for volunteer opportunities, click the following link to fill out the contact form.


Wednesday, September 6thPTO Event – Mum Sale

  • Order forms will go home next week.
  • Delivery mid-September.

Thursday, September 7thPTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!

  • 5:30 Babysitting begins for Montessori children and their siblings. Click on the following link for the signup sheet.
  • The number of children under three years old is limited to 3 total.
  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yAPaNIvcxYBkmHRqgSWljBHlwoPVyHZY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114098482033034356927&rtpof=true&sd=true
  • Goldfish and a cheese stick will be served.
  • 5:45-6:30 Meeting: Welcome by PTO and then meet in classrooms with your child’s teacher.

Sunscreen and/or Bug Spray should already be applied to your child before dropping off in the morning.

Sunscreens, lotions, creams, over the counter medicine, chap stick, prescription medicine –

The protocol will be to send us an email before you drop your child off in the AM. Then, hand the item to the staff person upon dropping off. Sarah and I typically read our email before 8:20 drop off or immediately after.

The email needs to tell us:

  • Name of the item
  • How much to use
  • What time to give or apply
  • If it needs to return home each day (i.e.) prescription medications

For example: Sunscreen, apply to face/arms/legs before going outside. Or, chapstick, use as needed.

Send your email to: kgaultmontessori@gmail.com, sarahspelbring@gmail.com and the child’s teacher. This will ensure the item(s) is retrieved ASAP.

Sending things to school via Montessori bag – If you are sending an above-mentioned item in the Montessori bag, please let us know via email.  We do not regularly check the children’s bags.


The August 25th PTO Family Picnic has been canceled due to the heat warning through Friday night. We will not reschedule.

Thank You to The Whitledge Family and The Kleinsasser Family for last week and this weeks sweet treats!!

First Day Paperwork – went home last week and should be returned to school as soon as possible. We need these forms filled out to update a variety of lists (allergy, student directory, etc.).

Lunchboxes –

  • The drink should fit inside of the lunchbox/outer mesh pouch.
  • It should not sit separately from the lunchbox.
  • Please remember to select the “lunchbox” option on the website used for lunch, ezschoolapps.com.

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming months lunches. Don’t forget to sign your child up for lunch on September 1st which was on the August Menu.

Monday, September 4, 2023 – Montessori will be closed in observance of Labor Day. There will be no daycare.

Thursday, September 7thPTO Event – Welcome to your child’s class!

  • 5:30 Babysitting begins for Montessori children and their siblings. A link for the sign-up sheet will be posted on or before August 30th.
  • The number of children under three years old is limited to 3 total.
  • Goldfish and a cheese stick will be served.
  • 5:45-6:30 Meeting: Welcome by PTO and then meet in classrooms with your child’s teacher.

Sunscreen and/or Bug Spray should already be applied to your child before dropping off in the morning.

Sunscreens, lotions, creams, over the counter medicine, chap stick, prescription medicine –

The protocol will be to send us an email before you drop your child off in the AM. Then, hand the item to the staff person upon dropping off. Sarah and I typically read our email before 8:20 drop off or immediately after.

The email needs to tell us:

  • Name of the item
  • How much to use
  • What time to give or apply
  • If it needs to return home each day (i.e.) prescription medications

For example: Sunscreen, apply to face/arms/legs before going outside. Or, chapstick, use as needed.

Send your email to: kgaultmontessori@gmail.com, sarahspelbring@gmail.com and the child’s teacher. This will ensure the item(s) is retrieved ASAP.

Sending things to school via Montessori bag – If you are sending an above-mentioned item in the Montessori bag, please let us know via email.  We do not regularly check the children’s bags.


Great Job Everyone – Children and Adults! We’ve had a successful first day of school! A special shout out to the PTO board members who are helping out with School Day drop offs.

Thank you!

Taking pictures with our “First Day of School” sign – If you’d like to take a picture of your child with our sign in the front lawn, please do so after 3:00 PM (after our 2:45 car line has ended).

First Day Paperwork – went home today and should be returned to school by Friday, August 18thWe need these forms filled out to update a variety of lists (allergy, student directory, etc.).

The August 25th PTO Family Picnic – A link to sign up for a dish to share with others at the picnic will be posted by the end of the week. Hog dogs (beef and vegetarian) buns, and condiments are provided.

EZ School lunch reminder – On the 15th of every month, you can sign up for the upcoming months lunches. Don’t forget to sign your child up for lunch on September 1st which was on the August Menu.

Sunscreen and/or Bug Spray should already be applied to your child before dropping off in the morning.

If sunscreen was sent in your child’s bag this morning without a permission note, please send an email to Kristi at kgaultmontessori@gmail.com. 

Sunscreens, lotions, creams, over the counter medicine, chap stick, prescription medicine –

The protocol will be to send us an email before you drop your child off in the AM. Then, hand the item to the staff person upon dropping off. Sarah and I typically read our email before 8:20 drop off or immediately after.

The email needs to tell us:

·       Name of the item

·       How much to use

·       What time to give or apply

·       If it needs to return home each day (i.e.) prescription medications

For example: Sunscreen, apply to face/arms/legs before going outside. Or, chapstick, use as needed.

Send your email to: kgaultmontessori@gmail.comsarahspelbring@gmail.com and the child’s teacher. This will ensure the item(s) is retrieved ASAP.

Sending things to school via Montessori bag – If you are sending an above-mentioned item in the Montessori bag, please let us know via email.  We do not regularly check the children’s bags.

Summer Session Two – July 5th through July 28th

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 25th – Makeup Swim Day from the canceled June swim day

Children are to arrive at school by 8:15 AM already wearing their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Wednesday, July 26th Field trip – 

Children should arrive at school by 9:30 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Thursday, July 27th Last Swimming Lesson –

Children are to arrive at school by 8:15 AM already wearing their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:15) parents will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM Care will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:20.
  • 11:45 dismissal parents will pick up their child(ren) in the office.
  • 2:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent or come back to school at 11:30.

Summer Session Two – July 5th through July 28th

Wednesday, July 12th Field trip – 

Children should arrive at school by 8:00 AM, wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Apply bug spray and sunscreen before arriving.

If you haven’t done so already, please stop in the front office to sign the waiver for this field trip.

Thursday, July 13th Swimming Lesson –

Children are to arrive at school by 8:15 AM already wearing their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:15) parents will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM Care will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:20.
  • 11:45 dismissal parents will pick up their child(ren) in the office.
  • 2:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent or come back to school at 11:30.

Volunteers Needed – If anyone would like to volunteer to pull weeds at the school in the morning from 7-9AM please send Kristi an email at kgaultmontessori@gmail.com. Your child is welcome to attend AM Care on the day you come to help.

Wednesday, June 14th Field trip –

Children are to arrive at school by 8:30 wearing their Montessori t-shirt.

Thursday, June 15th Swimming Lesson –

Children are to arrive at school by 8:15 AM already wearing their swimsuit. Please remember swim bag.

Summer Session One – June 5th through June 30th

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:15) parents will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM Care will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:20.
  • 11:45 dismissal parents will pick up their child(ren) in the office.
  • 2:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent or come back to school at 11:30.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached to the emailed Notes Home.

Lunches need to be purchased before Monday, June 5th on EZ School apps. If your child brings a lunchbox, the “lunchbox” option needs to be selected.

Summer Session One – June 5th through June 30th

Car line information:

  • AM Care (7:00-8:15) parents will park and walk their child(ren) to the door.
  • All families w/o AM Care will park and walk their child(ren) to the door starting at 8:20.
  • 11:45 dismissal parents will pick up their child(ren) in the office.
  • 2:45 dismissal parents will pick their child(ren) up in the office.

Drop offs for Field Trips and Swimming Lessons:

  • Children must arrive on time.
  • Children who arrive after the bus has left, can be driven to the field trip/swimming location by their parent or come back to school at 11:30.
  • Field trips and swimming schedules are attached to the emailed Notes home.

Swimming Waivers are attached and must be filled out and returned by Thursday, June 8th. Children will not be allowed to participate without the signed waiver

Fobs – If this Friday is the last time your child will be attending school at Montessori, please turn in your fobs this week at drop off or pick up.

Items going home this week – This week at pick up, we will be sending home medications, lotions, chapsticks and/or helmets.

Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the PrePrimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) will be this Thursday, May 25th via Zoom. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Your child’s teacher has sent information regarding how to sign up for this online conference.

IMPORTANT…Parent/Teacher Conference Guidelines: 

  • Children may not attend the parent teacher conference. The teacher reserves the right to cancel a conference if your child is present.
  • Information that your teacher shares with you about your child should not be shared with your child.
  • Please contact the office if you have questions about the conference guidelines.

Field trip on the last day of school (May 26th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 26th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:00. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

            Last Day of School Survey – (Only families with PM Care)

  • Attached is the Last Day of School Survey (a copy went home in your child’s bag).
  • We need all families with PM Care only to fill the survey out and return it at drop off/pick up or email back your response. Thanks!

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 29th-June 2nd.

Lost and Found – Please check the Lost and Found. All clothing items left here at school after this Friday will be sent to Good Will next week.

Have a fun and safe Summer!

Mr. R’s Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences will be this Friday, May 19th via Zoom. No School on conference day for Mr. R’s class, daycare for students with AM and/or PM care in their program. Mr. R has sent an email regarding online signups.

Parent ONLY Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of the PrePrimary classes (Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac) will be on Thursday, May 25th via Zoom. No School for Preprimary classes on conference day. Students who have AM and/or PM care in their program may attend their regular hours for daycare activities. Look for an email in the coming weeks from your child’s teacher regarding how to sign up.

IMPORTANT…Parent/Teacher Conference Guidelines: 

  • Children may not attend the parent teacher conference. The teacher reserves the right to cancel a conference if your child is present.
  • Information that your teacher shares with you about your child should not be shared with your child.
  • Please contact the office if you have questions about the conference guidelines.

Field trip on the last day of school (May 26th) – Ms. April, Ms. Corie, Mrs. Corn, Ms. Lori and Mrs. Theriac classes. All children need to be at Montessori by 8:45 and wearing their Montessori t-shirts.

Last Day of School Dismissal (May 26th) – Preprimary Classes will dismiss at 11:45 and Mr. R’s class will dismiss at 12:15. If your child has PM care in his/her program, daycare/lunch will start at 11:45.

Montessori will be totally closed, no school or daycare, Memorial Day Week: May 29th-June 2nd.